

On my phone, I have configured Digital Wellbeing to only allow me to use my RSS reader for 15 minutes per day. The timer resets at midnight. Last night I stopped work after midnight, and read some blogs to wind down. This evening, I discovered I'd effectively used today's allowance yesterday.

In a past life I used a timelogging tool to report what I'd worked on to my employer. It had a configurable “virtual midnight” feature which defaulted to 4am: work done before this time was considered to have happened the previous calender day. This was always super-buggy, but I came to realise the real bug is working late enough that it becomes an issue.

But, here we are again.


On the way home from nursery the day after we moved house, my daughter and I popped into M&S for some essential food supplies. We didn't hit the £20 threshold, but a very kind member of staff who complemented my daughter on her little red riding hood coat gave her a basil seed kit anyway.

7–14 days later, we're all staying at home with our coughs, and the first leaves have emerged. In a few days we can learn how to transfer the plant into a larger pot in the garden. We are so fortunate to be basically okay and have these small joys to lift our spirits.

Early leaves from a miniature basil plant from M&S.

#isolation #lockdown